Helping You Build the Next Big Tech Giant

Support Ghanaian tech entrepreneurs at seed stage to scale and grow sustainably by providing business and growth acceleration, access to finance and access to markets through a wide and diverse range of experts, coaches and mentors.

What We Do

Ideas & Innovation Hub (NGO) is all about encouraging students and entrepreneurs to think big, connect the dots and engage with the global startup community of entrepreneurs. The primary objective is to make a dynamic and impactful environment that will additionally reinforce feasible and sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana.

Developing Talents

We help discover, develop and develop hidden talents required for technological development. 

Building Tech Businesses

We help you turn your ideas into marketable products, build a business around then and generate revenue. 


We help you to plan , organize and raise capital to fund your entrepreneurial projects through equity and debt capital.

Need Help?

Do you have tech skills, tech talents and tech ideas and struggling to convert them into a thriving business? Get in touch with our mentors, guidance and coaches to get started to making it happen!

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Get Our e-Books & Training Courses

We provide registered members with ebooks, courses and training sessions designed to help them develop their potential, business ideas and execute on their business plans to make their tech businesses a reality. 

Join Ideas & Innovation Hub Today!

Today, as the World is witnessing the birth of billion dollar tech companies coming from all parts of the world, we at Ideas & Innovation Hub (NGO)  believe that more than anyone else, entrepreneurs and startup enthusiasts must be empowered and encouraged so as to channel their innovation in the right path to make a positive impact on society.

Co-Founder & Director, Mr. Victor Tagborloh

Our Story

Ideas & Innovation Hub (NGO) is all about encouraging students and entrepreneurs to think big, connect the dots and engage with the global startup community of entrepreneurs. The primary objective is to make a dynamic and impactful environment that will additionally reinforce feasible and sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana.

We are consistently working towards enhancing our network and we would love to get your feedback and perspectives on how we can further add value.
Ideas & Innovation Hub (NGO) is focused on building and managing the programs needed to accelerate business growth for tech-based startups and established corporations in Ghana.

As the primary conduit between both sides,
Ideas & Innovation Hub (NGO)  serves a critical role in developing talent, building commerce, and securing the capital required to develop the state’s high-growth economy.